EMF Radiation: How To Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones

EMF radiation is a serious issue that we all need to be aware of and take steps to protect ourselves from. Luckily, there are many ways we can do this.

What is EMF Radiation and How Does it Impact Us?

EMF refers to fields generated by man made devices, like microwaves, televisions, computers, cell phones, and cordless phones. These gadgets emit radiation in the form of waves or beams that can pass through walls and thick layers of concrete. They can also reflect off objects within a room or building, changing direction upon impact with an object such as a wall or tree branch.

EMFs constantly surround us in the air. There has been an increase in individuals reporting sensitivity, to EMFs in years experiencing discomfort when exposed to levels of electromagnetic fields.

Radiofrequency radiation. The most common sources of radiofrequency radiation are wireless telecommunication devices and equipment, including cell phones, smart meters, and portable wireless devices, such as tablets and laptop computers (1). In the United States, cell phones currently operate in a frequency range of about 1.8 to 2.2 GHz (2). (For more information about cell phones, see the NCI fact sheet Cell Phones and Cancer Risk.)

How Can We Protect Ourselves Against EMF Radiation?

There are many products available online to protect yourself against radiation pollution. The most popular ones are EMF shields, anti-radiation body stickers, and EMF protection clothing.

Tuun EMF Protection

EMF shields are one of the most popular ways to protect oneself against EMF pollution. You wear them on different parts of the body to divert electromagnetic radiation away from the body.

There are also EMF protection stickers you attach to appliances or place on walls. Those locations should be near where one spends a lot of time for example near a computer or TV screen.

Some studies suggest using these stickers to reduce EMF emissions in homes and offices by up to 97%.

EMF Radiation

The first step is to identify where the radiation is coming from. This will lead you to the specific product you need for your protection, protection from certain devices. For example, if you need a product that will shield your laptop, then an EMF shield for home would be perfect for your needs. Prioritize your well-being with reliable EMF protection for home and on-the-go.

EMF Radiation

Reduce your exposure to EMF radiation by using these devices:

Firstly, more than just an EMF shield necklace, tuün works to help you tune out the commotion while improving your overall health and well-being. Secondly, To counteract the effects of EMF radiation and restore balance to your body, tuün has some earth-grounding frequencies and other oxidative reaction reducers. Otherwise, how many stickers do you need for all your devices? The most effective way to protect yourself is to have your own shield.

EMF Protector

Here are some of the possible adverse health effects that have been linked to increased absorption of EMFs (electromagnetic fields):

  • Sleep disorders – EMF exposure may disrupt the body’s natural circadian rhythms and production of melatonin, making it harder to fall and stay asleep.
  • Headaches and migraines – Some studies have found connections between EMF exposure and increased headaches, though more research is needed.
  • Fatigue – There is some evidence that EMFs may cause fatigue by contributing to mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress.
  • Concentration and memory problems – Exposure to cell phone and wireless internet signals has been associated with impaired cognitive function and difficulty concentrating.
  • Increased stress – Prolonged exposure to EMFs may increase production of stress hormones like cortisol and negatively impact the nervous system.
  • DNA damage – The radiation from strong EMFs is theoretically capable of damaging DNA strands through oxidative stress, though more data is needed.
  • Cancer risk – While still inconclusive, some epidemiological studies have suggested possible links between EMFs from power lines or cell phone use and increased cancer risk, especially brain tumors and leukemia.
  • Cardiovascular effects – Some research has shown increased risk for arrhythmia and other cardiovascular issues with frequent exposure.
  • Changes in cell growth and cell signaling – Studies on animals and cells have shown EMFs can alter cell processes, though the human impact is unclear.

More research is still needed, but prudent avoidance of unnecessary EMF exposure may be advised for those concerned about potential health risks. Consulting a doctor is recommended for any unexplained symptoms.

Important Points:

  • The strength of a field weakens with distance, so increasing distance from sources can reduce exposure.
  • Most research focuses on high exposure levels, not typical everyday use of devices.
  • Individual factors like genetics and underlying health conditions may influence sensitivity.


  • Consult with a doctor: If you have specific concerns, talk to your doctor for personalized advice.
  • Focus on healthy habits: Prioritize overall health with habits like exercise, diet, and sleep.
  • Be cautious of claims: Avoid products or methods claiming complete EMF protection, as evidence is limited.
  • Maintain healthy skepticism: Remember, research is ongoing, and some claims may lack strong evidence.


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Earthing (also known as grounding) is the process of making contact with the electrons on the Earth’s surface by going barefoot outside, lying on the ground, or simply being in nature. Earthing is a healing technique that reconnects your electrical energy with the Earth. The Tuün shield intends to increase the effects of earthing by promoting balance, strength, and sleep while relieving stress, tension, and exhaustion.

Wear Your Pendant

Wearing an EMF protection pendant or keeping one in your pocket can help shield your body. You will be protected from electromagnetic frequencies during the day from devices like cell phones, WIFI, and Bluetooth.

Having the pendant make direct contact with your body allows it to act as a barrier that diverts this radiation away from being absorbed.

You can also place an EMF protection pendant under your pillow at night to help minimize exposure while you sleep. Since the body is especially vulnerable during sleep, protecting yourself from ambient EMFs emitted from nearby electronics and wireless devices is important.

Putting an EMF blocking pendant near your head area creates a protective zone around you while you rest, working to absorb and deflect the electromagnetic frequencies that could otherwise penetrate deep into your tissues and cells. This may lead to better sleep quality and help the body maintain its natural repair and recovery processes overnight.


EMF Radiation

CHI-O Jewelry has two parts: CHI-O Disc and CHI-O Pendant. The CHI-O Disc protects the wearer from EMF radiation by creating a protective field around them. The CHI-O Pendant, by design, absorbs the EMF radiation coming from electronics and appliances, while simultaneously promoting healing.

The Healing Jewelries can help you reduce your exposure to EMFs in three different ways:

  • as a healing tool,
  • as an accessory for protection against EMFs,
  • or just for its therapeutic use.

Disks / Stickers

EMF Radiation

Bio Arc Disc is an innovative new device. They are thin, circular discs. You can place them on the surface of any metal, plastic or wood to create a protective field. The discs can minimize EMF radiation in autos and other vehicles.

Bio Arc Discs are cutting-edge new gadgets. You can put them on any surface – metal, plastic, or wood – to produce a protective field that decreases EMF radiation. You can utilize Bio Arc Discs in automobiles, as well as in schools and childcare facilities for children.

These shields emit an electromagnetic field to provide a safe and secure environment. They are beneficial to anyone who is in contact with EMF radiation or other forms of electromagnetic frequency. Furthermore, You can use them at home or while traveling.

Expand your knowledge – choose a link to learn more about electromagnetic fields.

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